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O-Shot® / Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)


The OShot® is a quick, painless, and non-surgical procedure. A small amount of blood is extracted from the patient, spun in a centrifuge to separate and concentrate the plasma from the blood, and is then injected into the vaginal area. Plasma contains growth factors, which help to contribute to healing and recovery of tissue and cells in the body. While plasma exists naturally in your body, sometimes concentration is needed in order to ensure more plasma goes into one specific part of the body to boost healing outcomes.

Benefits of the OShot® can include greater arousal from stimulation, increased sexual arousal, stronger orgasms, and increased urinary control when you cough, sneeze and exercise. Patients who receive the procedure can expect improvements within three weeks.

To learn more about the OShot® and the sexual health procedures we offer, contact us to find out which sexual health therapies are right for you.

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